Sunday, November 09, 2008


With Russia's saber rattling just 6 hrs. after Obama's election, Obama's reaction is, "hmmm...ok, maybe we won't put a missle defense in Poland." I'm sure if he just sends Putin gumdrops and flowers Russia will never dream of invading. Georgia? Oh, I'm sure that was just an aberation. And it was because of Bush. Now that we're about to have President Sensitive, dictators and terrorists all over the planet are laying down their arms to better facilitate the big Citizen of the World group hug that's coming on! Finally! World peace! (cough, cough)

From Breitbart:

Earlier, a statement from Polish President Lech Kaczynski after the two men spoke by telephone said Obama had said he would go ahead with plans to build a missile defense shield in eastern Europe despite threats from Russia.

But Obama had given no such clear cut undertaking on the controversial program, his senior foreign policy advisor Denis McDonough said in a statement.

(The) "president-elect had a good conversation with the Polish President and the Polish Prime Minister about the important US-Poland alliance," McDonough said in a statement.

"President Kaczynski raised missile defense but President-elect Obama made no commitment on it.

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