...you guessed it! VICTIMIZED!
As if we needed any more illustration of the fact that the left sees any action as justified, no matter how evil, illegal, or disgusting. Not only that, but to criticize those actions is evidence of right wing hate. The spiderweb thin tether to reality for many of these people has completely snapped, leaving them adrift in nothing but the self-reflective hall of mirrors in their own heads. When one is so unable to accept the existence of evil in themselves and believes so completely that their idea of utopia must be imposed, even the act of murder can be seen as kindness. Just look at Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot. Hell, look at William Ayers' Weather Underground. They felt that they would need to "eliminate" perhaps 25 million Americans that would not be able to be "re-educated" if they took over. She, in her small way, embodies the exact same philosophy. It is the logical conclusion to leftist utopian thinking.
(see the video, posted below) From the FayObserver:
One child said she supports Obama because he would end the war. Then Harris turns to a girl, who says she supports McCain because her parents did, and says, “Talk to me, because your dad is in the military.”
The girl doesn’t respond.
“It’s a senseless war,” Harris says. “And by the way ... the person that you’re picking for president said that our troops could stay in Iraq for another 100 years if they need to. So that means that your daddy could stay in the military for another hundred years.”
At this point the little girl tears up.
...Harris said somebody edited the video to make it appear she was an Obama partisan imposing her views on a child. Harris, who has been licensed to teach in North Carolina since 1978, said she made gestures after pupils voiced support for Obama.
“It has been doctored,” Harris said. “They didn’t show anything about Obama.”
Folke Rydén, the Stockholm-based producer of the documentary...(said) “They have kind of interpreted the situation in a very evil way because our feeling on Mrs. Harris is that she had a very special relationship with her students.”
She was taken out of context. Just like Rev. Wright was. It is "evil" to have problems with her making a little girl cry because, gosh darn it, she has a "very special relationship with her students."
And that relationship would be indoctrination commissar for the Glorious Revolution to young minds in need of molding to better fit The State.
Look at the pattern. Its what the left always cries when they are caught shining the "light" of their hatred for all to see.
1. To criticize them is hateful or racist.
2. They are being "taken out of context"
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