Friday, November 21, 2008


From Hillbilly White Trash:

In the long term historians will be very kind to George W Bush. When Islamists brought their war against the West and its ideals of human freedom and dignity to our doorstep he responded forcefully and with courage. He took the war to the enemies homeland and thereby transformed the battleground in the current world war from our cities to theirs. By doing this he has kept the American homeland safe for the past seven years and by making the primary actors against the terrorists our military rather than our law enforcement agencies he has seen to the killing of tens of thousands of our enemies rather than the capture and jailing of at most a few hundred.

President Bush has done this despite the fact that the public turned against him and the war. When it could have doubled his job approval numbers by cutting and running from Iraq he held to his course because he knew it to be the right course.

However for those of us living in the short and mid term we have to face the fact that despite Mr. Bush's steadfastness on the war (for which we do owe him our thanks) in most other ways he has been a disaster. And Miss Ann has hit the nail on the head as to why.

During a time when the other party has turned the political process into a no-holds-barred knife fight George W Bush walked into the arena essentially unarmed.

Mr. Bush reached across the partisan divide to extend a hand of friendship to the Democrats and they repaid him by breaking his arm and he was apparently too dull to even feel the pain.

George W Bush failed to recognize that the Democrat party, or at least its left-wing, is just as much this nation's enemy as al Qaeda (even if they use legislation rather than bombs to do their damage) and act accordingly.

No kidding. Its not pleasant to have to realize that half this country hates itself, but that is the way it is. How do you "dialogue" with suicidal nutjobs?

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