A wannabe totalitarian. Yes, understandably you can think that that's just paranoia- had there not been glaringly bright roadsigns all through The One's campaign. Still, give the guy the benefit of the doubt, right? Just keep watching, scoffers, and watch what you say, lest you find yourself in need of re-education. Just today, from the co-chair of Barack Obama's Transition Team, Valerie Jarrett:
Jarret told Brokaw that "given the daunting challenges that we face, it's important that president elect Obama is prepared to really take power and begin to rule day one." (NewsBusters)
Maybe she just doesn't know the difference between the words "rule" and "govern." One is done by monarchs and dictators...and, oh! by the returned Messiah, the other by presidents.
And think His Messiah-hood isn't chompin' at the bit to institute the kind of "rule" he's dreamed of? He's decided on his first action as ruler...er...president:
John Podesta, Obama's transition chief, said Sunday Obama is reviewing President Bush's executive orders on those issues and others as he works to undo policies enacted during eight years of Republican rule. He said the president can use such orders to move quickly on his own.
"There's a lot that the president can do using his executive authority without waiting for congressional action, and I think we'll see the president do that," Podesta said. "I think that he feels like he has a real mandate for change. We need to get off the course that the Bush administration has set." (MyWayNews).
If you're wondering what's going on, please review the history of Germany during Hitler's rise and compare. Google "pathological narcissist," look at Obama, and compare. I think you'll find this little exercise instructive, and quite possibly find a renewed and sudden interest in prayer.
Al Gore is weighing in too:
he — and we — must make this January to begin an emergency rescue of human civilization from the imminent and rapidly growing threat posed by the climate crisis. (NYTimes)Emergency! Emergency! The leftist's self-justifying cry for draconian measures to remake the world. With things so dire, how could the institution of martial law seem out of place? Emergency! Emergency!
Side note: There is increasing evidence and an increasing number of scientists that point to global cooling as a threat. Just an inconvenient fact. Did I mention this is an emergency?
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