I've been remiss on posting lately. I'm overwhelmed. Over half of our country is bat-shit insane. I don't mean that in the oh-we're-all-nuts-ha-ha cute way, I mean literally out of their friggin minds.
I've been avoiding the news, but watching "Murder She Wrote" last night (God, I LOVE Angel Lansbury! Sue me.) I channel surfed during a commercial and landed on William Ayers speaking live to Georgetown Law School Students, where he had been invited by the Georgetown Law National Lawyers Guild. He went on and on about how Fox News is completely out there, totally evil and that they made him the target of an Orwellian two minute hate. He was victimized by them as a target of hatred. He went on and on and ooooon about how absurd it is that the evil right calls him a terrorist. AND THE AUDIENCE KEPT APPLAUDING HIM.
Hello, Absurdity? This is Mr. Mirror.
I clicked it off in disgust, but like rubbernecking at the scene of a horrible auto accident, I had to look back. Glenn Beck was being interviewed. He pointed out how many people are just loosing it over talk radio, that it's evil and hateful and has to be stopped (which is on Obama's agenda, btw). Yet these same people have no problem at all with a man that bombed the pentagon and was part of a group that killed people, including police officers, terrorized a family when their home was firebombed in the middle of the night and bombed the pentagon. In fact, they honor him. They HONOR him. He is a professor of EDUCATION. As in how to teach YOUR children. Let me repeat:
TALK radio = evil
Does anyone see anything just a little insane here? This isn't just some lunatic leftist fringe. This is the mainstream of the Democratic party now. And its no friggin big deal to people. "Ah, so what." And you ask why I labeled this posting "Living in the Land of the Walking Dead". WE ARE.
Here's more from the honorable William Ayers speech last night, from Townhall:
"Not only did I never kill or injure another person, but the Weather Underground in its six years did not injure or kill another person."From The New Editor, "Besides the three Weather Underground members who were killed when their nail bomb -- meant for a military dance hall at Fort Dix, NJ -- went off prematurely, two security guards, one NYC policeman, and one SF policeman were killed in events perpetrated by the Weather Underground." This is common knowlege. Just breath-taking; that he could lie so completely and easily and have a crowd believe him in the face of mountains of evidence. To applaud that lie and eat it up like cotton candy in Happy Gumdrop Land.
Oh wait...I forgot. Sorry. According to post-modernism, reality is just what you say it is. Right and wrong are just in your head. My bad. I don't want to appear un-intelligent or nuthin. DUDE- we have a whole generation schooled to believe that and now they're acting on it! Why do you think that nothing mattered at all as to who or what Obama really is, what he did or didn't do, or what he believes in this last and most likely final presidential election?
He expressed no remorse for his group's illegal actions. "I don't think anyone was brilliant and I don't think anyone was horrible. Each one did what they did."Yeah, like, no one is, like, good. No one is bad. We were all justa bunch a guys and chicks, you know, just doin stuff. Like killing people and setting bombs. (note the previous post with the FBI informant that took part in their discussions of having to kill 25 million Americans that would be "resistant to re-education" when the Weather Underground took power). Its all ok, maaan. Stop wojing on our buzz, maaan!
Now are you ready for this?
Ayers opened his discussion by talking about the serial killer John Wayne Gacy. Ayers said he was disturbed by the media hysteria celebrating his court-ordered execution. “There was something about it that was sickening to me, there was something about the glee….what were we being happy about?" This, he said, is part of what inspired him to begin opposing capital punishment.
Ayers called for a more "balanced view of justice."
"Everyone of us is a full human being deserving of our respect and our rights," said the man who helped plan the bombings of several federal buildings.
Yes, poor, poor child-molesting serial killer John Wayne Gacy. Compassion for him, but Fox News is evil and must be destroyed.
William Ayers was a loooong time ally of Obama, ALLY not ASSOCIATE, working closely with him on several occasions. In this interview Ayer's described Obama as, "a family friend." How anyone could ever trust The Obamanation to run a day care much less our nation...
Bat. Shit. Insane.
If I don't end up in the Betty Ford Clinic before I die it will be a damn miracle. I'm gonna go have a beer and work on getting my government bailout package.
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