The One will be doing all he can to make sure our Uncle Sam dies. He'll be using his Brownshirts to enforce his will:
"We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded."Seig Heil, mein OFuehrer.
He will appoint justices to the supreme court that will interpret the law differently depending on who a person is and who will be eager to change the constitution, a document that The Obamessiah sees as an irritating impediment to his plans.
He will destroy our economy.
He has already given our enemies gleeful smiles. I saw today that Russia has thrown down the glove. That didn't take long. Murderous thugs all over the world are rubbing their hands, smiling and getting ready to push around President Pussy.
The best that can happen is that if by some miracle we have no nuclear terrorist attack on our own soil, the public will get a chance to watch Obama's totalitarian socialist plans wreck our economy, trash the constitution and crack down on dissent.
His bumbling horror show just might cut through enough of the severe mental health issues half the nation is suffering from to get them motivated to kick his traitorous ass out after 4 years and elect someone who actually loves their country. Imagine that!
It sure looks dark, but these immortal words came back to me this morning: Uncle Sam
"A man barely alive. Gentlemen, we can rebuild him. We have the technology."
(Six Million Dollar Man)
Made me laugh anyhow.
Well I'm not giving up. This is a war, make no mistake. Its not about left or right, dem or rep, its about living or dying. McCain, to his credit, was obsessed with being honorable at all costs. And it did cost. The One, on the other hand, ran a campaign more sleazy, crooked and deceptive than I would have ever thought possible. And he won. I won't forget that lesson.
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