We occasionally have national holidays for great Americans- Washington, Lincoln, King- you know, men who have actually accomplished great things for our nation. That have earned the honor, an honor that isn't bestowed lightly. How quaint. How old-fashioned. I hope you're ready for the change:
Plans are being made to promote a national holiday for Barack Obama, who will become the nation's 44th president when he takes the oath of office Jan. 20."Yes We Can" planning rallies will be at 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. every Tuesday at the downtown McDonald's restaurant, 1100 Kansas Ave., until Jan. 13. The goals are to secure a national holiday in Obama's honor, to organize celebrations around his inauguration and to celebrate the 200th birthday of President Abraham Lincoln, who was born on Feb. 12 1809.
At 7:30 a.m. on Inauguration Day, Obama Cake will be served at the downtown McDonald's, and a celebration is scheduled for 8 p.m. to midnight Jan. 20 at the Ramada Hotel and Convention Center, 420 S.E. 6th. (cjonline)
What can our Benevolent Leader do but acquiesce to the demands of the people? If they demand the honor of worship at his altar, who is he to deny them? That would just be cruel!
I was thinking yesterday about possible reasons for the huge cult of personality that has arisen and then been fostered by The One. The fact that so many now are "spiritual" and not "religious," and are far too enlightened for anything as troglodyte as Christianity, has not eliminated their need for a personal saviour. Add to this the war and the economic melt down mixed with the persistently inculcated feeling of victimhood and you have yourself the perfect conditions for The Obamessiah.
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