I had a discussion with a friend on election night about some of this stuff. Great posting at Gonzo's Bar and Go-go Grill that is worth a full read. Some of his ideas? Stop supporting liberal donating business. This has a double effect of saving you money while screwing those that screwed you. He points out that political donation records are available to the public. I won't have to check that for many businesses in my neighborhood that turned their stores into Obama Campaign HQ's.
Further, don't give a dime to charity. Tell them that your money is going to Obama to help people. And personally, I'm going to do all that I can to be nothing but dead weight on the economy. It's what people voted for. I'm going to go with the flow and give it to them. Will it hurt me as well? Yes, but its pain worth withstanding since it is the only thing that just might wake up the sleepwalking hordes of Obama Zombies and rescue America from the brink of death.
From Gonzo:
God is that beautiful.I’d be more blunt to lefty friends. I’ve already told a couple, “Hey - Bambi promised some Gestapo - so when do you turn me in for counter-revolutionary activities?” Harden yourself up. Socialist State-worshippers are not and cannot really be your friend. I’ve watched it happen to more than one person who had government goons turn up on their doorstep, and their “friends” give the excuse “I was just concerrrrrrrrrrrrrned……”
Whatever. Yor right wing friends will sit you down and tell you straight. Your left wing friends will call a ****ing social worker. Which one do you want? And seriously - who can you count on? I mean really count on?
Corporations …
Here’s what I did.
I went through Wal-mart the other day, and the checkout woman had an Obama button. So I went from the checkout - after I had paid - straight to customer service, and demanded a refund. Because I was offended by the politicizing and the attitude.
Note - they had my money. And now they had to give it back. This hurts them. So they wanted to know how to make it right. Okay. Very simple, an apology. So the Manager on Duty started to apologize.
No, not you. You didn’t offend me.
Well, on behalf of Wal-mart, we strive to (Boilerplate.).
No, ma’am. Wal-mart did not offend me. Your employee did. I want an apology from her, and I don’t want to have to enter a hostile political environment to shop, so I’d suggest the button come off.
Fine. My refund please? I need to get to Kroger.
Next thing I knew the CSS was oer talking to the cashier - who walked out! Quit.
So, since Wal-mart tried to rectify it, I took my merchandise home....
...all done in a level tone of voice, without one profanity. Just firmness. Your employee offended me, and I want my money back. Back either me - your customer - or your lackey. If the latter, I want my $268. For a part-timer, that’s a week’s wage. Back her, and they essentially double her pay for a week.
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