Wednesday, November 26, 2008


It needed a new sign. They got together, raised the money and got one. Now they're in trouble- the state says they aren't allowed to do that. Those evil, oppressive parents! Helping! To THINK!

The story his here, at Roger's Rules.

Here's the thing- you want to give your freedom to the state, you want the state to take care of everything for you- you know what you get? SLAVERY.

He concludes:

But such autonomy is the one thing these miniature despots can’t abide. They don’t want people to be independent. They don’t want local communities to take care of their own needs. They want to meddle. They want to be the sole source of sustenance and labor–and they want to do it, of course, on their own terms, enforcing their own requirements for who gets to work, when, under what conditions, and how much they are paid. This, as Friedrich Hayek observed, is the road to serfdom. As Hayek put it in the great book of that title, “economic control is not merely the control of a sector of human life . . . ; it is the control of the means for all our ends. And whoever has sole control of the means must also determine which ends are to be served, which values are to be rated higher and which lower–in short, what men should believe and strive for.” It is, in short, a form of tyranny.

Ms Helmuth got the message. She called an IDOL official about the case of the donated sign: “Now you’re telling me anything that was donated, I would have to pay prevailing wage on it? Then why would I want to donate anything?” Why, indeed.

Meanwhile, President-elect Obama is waiting in the wings with his plans for various “mandatory volunteer” programs. Depressing prospect, what?

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