Friday, November 07, 2008


Taking public transportation and working where I do, I get hit up for money sometimes as often as 8 - 10 times a day. Before the election the Obama people were on these citizens like flys on...uh...honey. The local paper circulated stories of people being offered free cab rides to where ever they wanted to go, cigarettes and sometimes money to go to the early voting center and vote. It was a huge turnout of the streetperson vote. And it wasn't McCain they were voting for.

Now that we, as a nation, have decided that money that we have earned should be taken at gunpoint by the government and given to those that The One feels are more deserving of it, I feel it my duty to direct them to where their needs can be met. My stock response when hit up for cash is now, "I'm sorry, all of my extra money is going to the government to help people."

Lying in the bed. Help those who made it, accept it. It's your patriotic duty.

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