Thursday, June 18, 2009


Interupt His royal flow of power and you'll be crushed just like that fly!

'Least thats what now, not one, but three Inspector Generals have found, when raising questions about the flow of our money to His cronies.
The firing of Gerald Walpin as Inspector General was not an isolated incident, as the Chicago Tribune reports today. Two more IGs have been dismissed in the past two weeks, and Senator Charles Grassley has started demanding answers. The sudden push to rid the government of independent watchdogs appears to coincide with Barack Obama’s plans to use government spending to get control over more aspects of American life, such as with stimulus spending, the financial sector, and volunteer organizations (Hot Air)
And three guesses where the biggest nest of corruption and pay-off is? Why its those Americorp/Acorn/community organizer connections. Can you believe it? Who woulda thought.
IGs work independently to protect taxpayers from corruption and abuse from its own government agencies. A coordinated attack on IGs certainly suggests hostility to that mission, which isn’t the Hope and Change Obama promised on the campaign trail.

But it is certainly the Hope and Change that we should have expected from even a cursory glance at his past alliances and at those who mentored his communist ass all his damn life .

Enjoy your coffee America! Plenty more on its way.

I couldn't resist- this John Waters clip SO fits!

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