Monday, June 22, 2009


James Lewis at American Thinker:

...I don't think Obama is another OJ Simpson. The two men could not be more different. It's a common marketing strategy that links them. White guilt and that ache for black vindication were a huge part of OJ's celebrity campaign.

It took eight years for blacks and whites to see that OJ was no hero at all. That is a measure of the emotional hold OJ had on so many people.

Does that remind you of anybody?

Racial overcompensation is deeply irrational. It's an obsessional need to make up for somebody else's great-great-great-grandfather's sins, a kind of moral inferiority that keeps hurting even though we can do nothing about it. The past is past; life doesn't give re-takes. But America is acting as if history can be remade. This time we'll do it right! But it never works, because it can't work. It is deeply irrational.

We are about to find out that racial guilt is the worst way to pick a president. Actors and celebrities can be picked because they look and sound good. Presidents have real jobs in the real world.

I'm afraid the American people are in for another OJ shock. The voters who fell in love with Obama may fall out of love as events run out of control of PR spinning and scripting. It's going to hurt.

This is what the racist left, the left that never tires of judging people on the color of their skin, rather than the content of their character, has brought us.

Damn right, it's gonna hurt but its an open question if even that will be enough to wake them the hell up.

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