Its a HUGE new tax, that doesn't call itself a tax. This is in keeping with other official newspeak, like "man-caused disaster" instead of terrorism.
Despite the groundswell of scientists now de-bunking it, the left continues, amazingly enough, to say there is no more debate.
Because if there were, they would no longer have such a convenient excuse to increase social control so drastically and steal such a vast amount of your money.
Confederate Yankee has some perspective:
When you escape the enforced mass hallucination that their hype has created, and look at it this way, things could not be more clear. Its simple.Here are some hard truths for the President.
The earth has been far, far hotter than it currently is. We had nothing to do with that one way or the other, and the Earth did just fine in moderating itself without bloviating bipeds passing empty resolutions.
The earth has also been far, far cooler than it currently is. We had nothing to do with that one way or the other, and the Earth did just fine in moderating itself without shivering, bloviating bipeds passing prevaricating laws as if they were of significance. ...
For starters, I'd like for him to explain when the last time was the planet wasn't changing. When he finishes, perhaps he can also explain why—for the very first time—the constant change is suddenly bad.
I suspect we know the answer. Obama is about changing others, finding ways to control and alter their lives. ....
And yet.....the mantra drones on and the power-hungry socialist totalitarians continue to salivate....
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