Bookworm Room has noticed that The One's lying follows a pattern called, in the legal world, "the affirmative defense."
As an example of how this plays out, imagine a complaint alleging that I smashed my car into a fence, destroying it. I’d start by saying, “No, I didn’t.” Then I’d begin the affirmative defenses: (1) “Okay, I did bring my car into contact with the fence, but I didn’t actually hurt the fence.” (2) “Okay, I hurt the fence, but I didn’t hurt it badly enough to entitle its owner to any damages.” (3) “Okay, I destroyed the fence, but it was falling down already, so it’s really the owner’s fault, so he gets no damages.” And on and on, in a reductio ad absurdum stream of admissions and excuses.There is example after example of his use of this particular form of dishonesty.
Chairman Zero is mentally ill and we have nukes pointed at us.... from Commentary’s Contentions (in a post fittingly titled Not What It Seems):
The president’s press conference was a tour de force of misdirection.
Even worse was his denial of what everyone knows: the president’s language on Iran has toughened in response (one supposes) to critics inside and outside the administration who found his initial statements inexcusably weak:
So we’ve been entirely consistent, Major, in terms of how we’ve approached this. My role has been to say the United States is not going to be a foil for the Iranian government to try to blame what’s happening on the streets of Tehran on the CIA or on the White House, that this is an issue that is led by and given voice to the frustrations of the Iranian people.
Does he even believe this? We went from “no meddling” and no real difference between Ahmadinejad and Mousavi to “appalled” and “condemn.” You judge. And why does the president lie? ...
Bottom line: the man has a personality disorder (malignant narcissism is my guess), and such people lie compulsively. But, typical for a narcissist, Obama will deny that he lies and, in a way, he’s right. While normal people know they are lying, narcissists don’t. Instead, because they are the center of their own universe, they always view their needs at any particular moment as the truth. There is no past, there is no future, there is only the need in the now.
What could go wrong? (BTW, the responses to the post at Bookworm Room are well worth checking out- really awesome comments!)
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