Tuesday, June 30, 2009


WooooHooooo! Acorn, not content with its role in causing the housing crisis that started the ball rolling downward, is ramping it up, even while they suck down more of your stolen money (via the Stimulus):

ACORN will be harassing lenders across the nation today, in an attempt to bully them into supporting The Leader's foreclosure-avoidance program — just as they bullied lenders into making loans based on race instead of ability to repay, thus helping to cause the subprime mortgage crisis that brought down the economy.

The campaign is entitled Home Wrecker 4. In the crosshairs are Goldman Sachs, HomEq Servicing, American Home Mortgage, and OneWest.

As American Spectator reminds us,

[L]et's not forget that ACORN helped to cause the mortgage bubble by strongarming banks into making loans they shouldn't have. And cheering them on was ACORN's lawyer, Barack Obama, who contributed to the increasingly hostile environment for banks when he represented plaintiffs in the 1995 class action lawsuit Buycks-Roberson v. Citibank. The suit demanded that Citibank grant mortgages to an equal percentage of minority and non-minority mortgage applicants. The bank settled the case three years later and reportedly agreed to beef up its lending to unqualified applicants.
Oh wait. My bad. It was all Bush's fault. Haven't had my Kool-Aid today.

Please don't send me to a death camp.

BTW, ACORN will be taking your census info the next time round, just to be sure the figures match what Our Glorious Leader desires.

And training a new class of revolutionaries on your tax dollar. Brownshirts are back!

"But I love the sound of his voice! He's so reassuring!"

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