...with a bill no one read. For someone that is all for debate, dialogue and bi-partisanship (yeah, it's killin me too!), Chairman Zero sure is good at forcing things through in a way that would make Mussolini proud. And on Friday night, while no one is watching. After killing disent:
The free market-based Competitive Enterprise Institute in Washington (where I served as a journalism fellow in 1995) obtained a set of internal e-mails exposing Team Obama’s willful and reckless disregard for data that undermine the illusion of “consensus.” In March, Alan Carlin, a senior research analyst at the Environmental Protection Agency, asked agency officials to distribute his analysis on the health effects of greenhouse gases....
On March 12, Carlin’s director, Al McGartland, forbade him from having “any direct communication” with anyone outside his office about his study. “There should be no meetings, emails, written statements, phone calls, etc.” ...
“The time for such discussion of fundamental issues has passed for this round. The administrator and the administration has decided to move forward on endangerment, and your comments do not help the legal or policy case for this decision… (Michelle Malkin)
Can't have actual science interfering with our Glorious Leader's agenda, now!
The cost estimates per household range from around 700 to 1400 more a year on your heating bills, with more estimates outside of the Department of Propaganda leaning toward the higher end- exactly what we need with un-employment continuing to nose-dive. And that isn't the half of it. All the costs to business will be passed on.
In fact, as The One has decreed in an interview with The San Francisco Chronicle:
"Under my plan of a cap and trade system electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket. Businesses would have to retrofit their operations. That will cost money. They will pass that cost onto consumers."Check out his contradictory statesments here.
And here he is saying he plans on bankrupting the coal industry:
In fact, it is the the largest tax increase in American history. There' a good run-down of its disasterous effects on what's left of our economy at Michelle Malkin.
All for a problem that a now majority of scientists say doesn't exist (Gateway Pundit has a myriad links here). The concern is in fact turning towards global cooling. But it never was about the climate. It's about taking more of your money and increasing government control over every aspect of our lives. Gosh, it sure was nice when we lived in America. At least one Representative has the guts to point out the truth:
Here's list of the traitorous republicans that allowed this bill to pass:
Mary Bono Mack R (CA)
Mike Castle R (DW)
Mark Steven Eirk R (IL)
Leonard Lance R (NJ)
Frank LoBiondo R (NJ)
John McHugh R (NY)
Dave Reichert R (WA)
Chris Smith R (NJ)
(they're links, incase you wanna let them know what you think)
Vodka Pundit says it all: “Never have so few stolen so much from so many to achieve so little.”
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