Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Sen. James Inhofe has a more conciliatory posting on the cap and tax bill than I would put out. But then I'm not a politician. He's concerned:

The logic is not difficult to understand. Carbon caps, according to reams of independent analyses, will severely damage America’s global economic competitiveness, principally by raising the cost of doing business here relative to other countries that have no mandatory carbon policies. So jobs and businesses will move overseas, most likely to China. This so-called “leakage effect” would tip the global economic balance in favor of China and other strategic competitors of the U.S. Clearly, unilateral U.S. action redounds to the benefit of China and to the great detriment of the U.S.

"Well, what's not to like," says Chairman Zero, our "education" system and the MSM!?
We are, after all, an evil imperialist nation that needs to bow down and learn its place! The World Apology Tour was hardly enough!

And the best part of the cap and tax?
It picks winners and losers that will leave places like the Midwest and the South paying higher energy prices to subsidize areas in the rest of the country.
Take that, ya damn rednecks!

Quite unlike all those Bible and gun clinging hillbillies in the Midwest and the South, China is not stupid:
...China opposes any binding emission reduction targets on itself; China wants the U.S. to accept draconian emission reduction targets that will continue to cripple the U.S. economy; and on top of that, China wants the U.S. to subsidize its economy with billions of dollars in foreign aid. In the final analysis, one must give China credit for seeking its economic self-interest.

Damn Chinese Capitalists! How dare they stand in the way of the One World Government Socialist Revolution of the Anointed One!

China- capitalist. America-socialist.
Europe- capitalist. America- socialist. (re: the recent elections)

Garsh, the world sure is changin' huh? If we want, as The One has said, to be in be in step with and in the good opinion of the world, as our first priority, we better git us some change!

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