Tuesday, June 30, 2009


From Say Anything:
Congress has already decided what kind of light bulbs we can use, and Obama has expressed a desire to regulate where Americans set their thermostats (even as he cranks his personal thermostat in the Oval Office). So why not regulate our lamps too?

It’s not like this is a free country or anything.

WASHINGTON—Aiming to keep the focus on climate change legislation, President Barack Obama put a plug in for administration efforts to make lamps and lighting equipment use less energy.

Incandescent bulbs are being phased out and made illegal- you will have to buy mercury-filled bulbs coming with looooong clean-up directions for their toxic waste, if broken, that give off ugly-ass light. Sorta like an operating room. Now we are going to be told what kind of lamps we can use.

Well I'll tell ya what I'll be using. Friggin' CANDLES. How do you like those carbon footprints, bitches? Nicer light, not toxic and cheap.

Hmmmm.... come to think of it, mayber Der Messiah did me a favor!

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