Lil' burst of gay marriage debate goin on at The Other McCain.
Some I don't agree with (for me, it is NOT a "preference" believe me!), and some makes sense:
...The principle of liberty dos not require that we treat different things as if they were equal, or to pretend that differences do not exist.Two different words there, equality and liberty, huh?
The crusade for same-sex marriage is a consequence of a prior crusade to convince us that there are no meaningful differences between men and women. As a certain Hayekian public intellectual wrote in January:Are men and women equal in the fullest sense of the word? If so, then equality implies fungibility -- the two things are interchangeable and one may be substituted for the other in any circumstance whatsoever. (La mort à la différence!) Therefore, it is of no consequence whether I marry a woman or a man. . . .
This is why so many of those who would defend traditional marriage find themselves unable to form a coherent argument, because traditional marriage is based on the assumption that men and women are fundamentally different, and hence, unequal. Traditional marriage assumes a complementarity of the sexes that becomes absurd if you deny that "man" and "woman" define intrinsic traits, functions, roles.
Modern research is bearing out the fact that in general, men and women are different. All that sexuality-is-constructed hooey that was so hot is out the door (but of course, it will take a while for those invested in it to catch up). These differences are not absolute and there is evidence of blending in some cases, but still, the difference is biological at its base. (I'll try to find the links later)
What the hell is so wrong with "equal but different"? Its why I am for civil unions and not for gay marriage. All I give a damn about is the rights and responsibilities to form a union, not changing definitions, tradition or words. Unfortunately, so many pushing gay marriage are in it just for those reasons. Its to FORCE others to think the way they are told. Its the same, tired old liberal fascism the left trots out time and time again. You don't agree? Then you're a bigot! hehehe....
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