Thursday, April 23, 2009


Can ya believe it? Republicans demanding an end to pussy-footin' RINO crap from the RNC!

Republican state party leaders are rebelling against new Republican National Committee Chairman Michael S. Steele for failing to dub President Obama and the Democrats as "socialists." And the rebels insist that the label matters.

Yeah, because, its like, WHAT THE HELL THEY ARE. How much more evidence does anyone need? I know that ol' sayin-the-sky-is-blue-when-it-really-is-red stuff works for a little while, at least for those sufficiently narcoleptic on chope... but c'mon!

The actual republicans further stated:

"The threat to our country from the Obama administration cannot be underestimated," Indiana RNC member James Bopp Jr. wrote Wednesday in an e-mail to the full RNC membership. "They are proceeding pell-mell to nationalize major industries, to exponentially increase the size, power and intrusiveness of the federal government, to undermine free enterprise and free markets, to raise taxes to a confiscatory level."

"In just a few months, the goal of the Obama administration has become clear and obvious - to restructure American society along socialist ideals," Mr. Bopp said in summarizing the first resolution. The resolution's chief sponsor is Washington state RNC member Jeff Kent, and it calls on the Democrats to be "truthful and honest with the American people by renaming themselves the Democrat Socialist Party."

My God. I don't think I can stand so much rational, clear-sighted thought all at once, especially without the usual veneer of phoniness and outright lies! It's like cold turkey to a heroin addict.

I better go lay down.

No word yet as to whether the signators of the letter have been put on the domestic terrorist watch list yet.

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