Thursday, April 23, 2009

(image via Six Meat Buffet)


There's not only contradiction in their beliefs. There's contradiction in their goals. Welcome to the insane world of mainstream cognitive dissonance.

First, the DHS is found releasing a document that was supposed to be secret, stating that returning vets, and those concerned with illegal immigration, the second amendment, etc. were potential terrorists. It used that word, although when talking about real terrorists that are actually a threat to our country, the word has been banned. Does that tell you anything?

Thanks in part to interrogation techniques that made a couple terrorists uncomfortable, causing them no lasting harm, the the DHS gained info that prevented more attacks on our country after 9-11. Even the current DHS admits this. The use of these techniques kept us safe and Bush kept this country safe from attack for 8 years- an amazing feat, given the hatred and dedication of those who call us their mortal enemy.

So of course, Bush administration officials need to be punished for this. And the message sent to the CIA is "do nothing" or you might get sent to jail as well. Its alright, though. As we all know, here in Happy Gumdrop Land, Islamofascist terrorists are just misunderstood freedom fighters that want to be our friends. Nothing to worry about anymore. The world is however we want to pretend it to be.

When an administration purposely undermines our national security and simultaneously labels all political opposition as "potential terrorists" do you think we might have a problem?

The One is pushing a new story furthing, as he likes to say, "the notion" that he is Christ on Earth. And in a just released poll, more than half the populace thinks we're on the right track.
This is no longer politics. This is a mental health issue, and...

smoking chope is the number one mental health issue of our time.

These people (yes, I did use the phrase "these people") are at best completely un-informed, not having gained any info outside of the MSM Obama propaganda outlets, or they have completely lost their connection to reality and are hell bent on self-destruction.

Walking around my liberal neighborhood has become like wandering into a smiling, goose-stepping insane asylum.

The question is, how to sucessfully treat these mentally ill? You can't hate them, they are sick, not evil. Besides, we are commanded to love our enemies, right?

You can't get through to them. They are hermetically sealed in their collective hallucination.

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