No, it's not quite the same as Code Pink. They are just wildly popular allies on the biggest left wing blogs. Here's what you should have learned from your indoctrination, comrade:
For the last thirty years, Hollywood has perpetuated the myth of the troubled vet - egged on by the cacklers on the coasts, nearly all of whom have never met a war vet in their life. To them, every dude in a uniform is Timothy McVeigh.The real truth is that, nearly all military dudes are delightfully decent and even mundane - far saner than you and me - and without a doubt much more fun than Napolitano - a person, who, as Governor Rendell once pointed out, doesn’t get out much. She probably just rents “The Road to Guantanamo” repeatedly off Netflix, while thinking of new words to describe terror that won`t hurt anyone`s feelings.
And that`s what gets me. Right now we have an administration that cares more about the feelings of those who want to kill us, than those who want to protect us.
From Greg at The Daily Gut, . You can catch him on his ab-sol-freakin-lutely hilarious show, Red Eye, when you happen to be up at 3AM some morning, on FOX.
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