Friday, April 10, 2009


Its the goal of the left and despite their pleas otherwise, it is becoming more obious every day.
This story is so ridiculous that, like so much anymore, it seems to be a joke. Two students are suing because they have been put on disciplinary status and threatened with expulsion because one of them prayed for a sick professor in private when asked to. The GALL!

From World Net Daily:

"Kandy found the instructor alone in her shared office," according to Pacific Justice. "When the instructor indicated she was ill, Kandy offered to pray for her. The instructor bowed her head, and Kandy began to pray – until she was interrupted by another faculty member, Derek Piazza, who walked in and said, 'You can't be doing that in here!' Kandy quickly left and rejoined her friend and fellow student, Ojoma Omaga. Piazza followed Kandy outside and repeated his rebuke."

While the students reported they were surprised by the teacher's aggressive behavior, they were stunned when, days later, they both got letters notifying them of the college's retroactive "intent to suspend" plan.

The letters, however, provided no facts on which to make such a threat, listing only vague references to "disruptive or insulting behavior" and "willful disobedience."

School officials informed them during administrative hearings that Kyriacou was being disciplined for praying for the sick teacher. Omaga was not part of the prayer, and her offense apparently was that she was with Kyriacou a short time later.


"Since when does praying for a sick teacher to get well – with her consent – earn a suspension? This is not just a constitutional violation; it is a complete lack of common sense. These students were not looking for a fight, but since the school to this day insists that it can expel them if they pray again, we will have to resolve it in federal court," he said.

The complaining faculty member was outraged, outraged at others private exercise of their constitutionally guaranteed freedom of religion. I thought we voted for hope and change!

I think this professor was remiss. Der Messiah can't burn the entire Constitution and intitute Totalitarian Marxism in a just a few months...I mean, I know he's The One and all but give the guy a break! Destroying more than 200 years of history takes time!

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