How can anyone fail to see The Obamunist for what he is? It boggles the mind. I have likened it to a fish being unaware of the water he swims in. American Thinker does a better job of explaining this:
The thing about imperialism is that it never looks like imperialism to the well-intentioned imperialists themselves. Most Soviet Russians were convinced they were just spreading peace and love to Eastern Europe and China, even with all their massed artillery and tanks. They knew in their hearts that the KGB State was just a temporary thing, until all the subject peoples could be educated enough to bring true Communism to earth.
...What we are seeing today with Barack Obama is a triumph of Leftist Faith over the brute facts of history. The Left has managed to swallow its own bloody past in a capacious Black Hole. Instead, college kids are brought up today on Howard Zinn's A People's History of the United States, a totally one-sided tale of all the bad things done in America in the last four hundred years. Zinn's very title tells us that traditional American history was never about the real people. When our airhead Hollywood celebrities slam the United States, it's because they've been brought up on reams and reams of such self-hating stuff. They think they know the truth, when in fact their brains are just on the rinse and spin cycle.True Leftists collect other people's injustices, one after the other, and rehearse them in their minds for years. That's how they define themselves mentally as The Good People and those who disagree with them as The Evil Ones. That's why they are so ready to demonize those who disagree. Like Barack and Michelle, they are utterly convinced of their own righteousness. But they end up pushing Marxist Imperialism.So... Barack Obama is turning out to be a Socialist Imperialist -- all for highly moral reasons, needless to say. Those loving encounters with Chavez and Ortega mean that they are now alike in spirit. Listening to their standard rantings is not news for BO, because he can recite their story from memory.
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