...even though I make such a negligible impact. From Big Hollywood:
We can talk about how the “porkulus bill” creates debt for generations to come. We can point out the waste in the omnibus bill. We can assert that Obama is endangering our nation to more terrorism. But these leftists have a more important goal. If they control speech and thought, they control all our rights as Americans. All other rights hinge on our free speech rights. No other rights matter if free speech rights are compromised.
They want to kill conservatism. And, they are doing it - unless you speak up. At a Tea Party rally, I saw some hope and optimism that Americans who have traditional core values are still hopeful. Despite negative press by the mainstream “butt boys”, they are still optimistic that they can have an impact on the future of our great country. I am also optimistic.
But, please be aware. Coming soon, there will be yet another change in direction in Washington DC. The Federal Communications Commission will soon have a 3-2 Democrat majority and it’s the goal of liberals to force conservative voices aside in the media - as if they don’t control most of the media anyway. If they begin regulating speech through new Fairness Doctrine-like regulations which Democrats favor, this nation will be lost. Government has no right to regulate content in America. But, Democrats think otherwise. Just look at the myriad of comments favoring speech regulation that came out in January and February from Bill Clinton, Debbie Stabenow, Tom Harkin, Jerry Brown, and many others. Coincidence? Hardly. It’s time to speak out against any potential speech controls in America.
You think things are bad now. DO NOT SHUT UP!!! Be one of many.
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