Cause they friggin NUTS.
But if you need more detail, from the Washington Examiner:
How well I know. I spent many, many exhausting years in just that deluded state of mind. I think being worn out all the time from the huge effort it takes to keep your lil' hallucination going is another reason they get so damn pissy. Hard to be happy when you're beat.
...there is the question of self-image. Watching Garofalo and Olbermann discuss the tea parties, it was impossible to avoid the sense that they saw themselves as two good people talking about many bad people. "One of the things about narcissism is that it looks like people who are just proud of themselves and smug, but in fact narcissism is a very brittle and unstable state," Anderson told me. "People who are deeply invested in narcissism spend an awful lot of energy trying to maintain the illusion they have of themselves as being powerful and good, and they are exquisitely sensitive to anything that might prick that balloon."Again, the tea parties could represent a threat. What if the protesters weren't racists, weren't violent, weren't mentally defective? What if their point was legitimate, or even partly legitimate? Those are questions better batted down than answered....
Keeping that phony smile on your face 24/7 to show that you're not all uptight and that you're spiritual (NOT religious) ALONE will wear your ass out!
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