I have not seen the numbers yet but I guessed a couple thousand but that's low. From Shots On the House, "Apparently some news outlets are saying 3,500, some are saying 5,000, and others are estimating that 7,000 people showed up. More than I've ever seen in front of the Statehouse." The were a boat load of people! The count nationwide has been most recently estimated at over 300,000. Justin has a bunch of pics here.
Since most of these people hadn't been to a protest before, they were unaware that they could not have sticks on their signs. As I walked around and watched the patrol officers tell people this, I was struck by their reaction: kind of bemused, polite and they just took off the sticks. No big deal. Contrast that to leftist protesters. They would have felt that THE MAN was oppressing them and made a big show of it. I know. I was once one of them and have been to many many protests. Different kinda people. First Conservative thinks so too- check the list of "Top Ten Surprises from Amateur Protesters". Makes ya think.
So what was Der Messiah's reaction? He reportedly said he was "unaware" of the tea parties. Translation: "You're beneath my contempt. Go to hell."
Funny how the new homeland security report was timed to come out just before the tea parties. Michelle Malkin has a good rundown on it. If you haven't heard yet, it says that returning military and single issue concerned citizens, for instance anti-abortion and people against illegal immigration ARE A POTENTIAL TERRORIST THREAT.
Don't think that was meant to send a message, do you? Nah, couldn't be. He was "unaware" of that whole crazy tea party thing. Probably eatin' pizza or somethin.
Here's an even more beautiful part of the report: if you are in favor of "rejecting federal authority in favor of state or local authority" you are listed as someone who maybe a terrorist threat. This means that the framers OF THE CONSTITUTION would be listed as a potential terrorist threat!!! The federal government has slowly taken away all but a vestige of the power that states once held. According to The Constitution it does not have that right. But it has happened, and now anyone that has the nerve to say that,
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people...
...well, those people are potential terrorists and need to be closely monitored-
unlike the radical Muslims now in our country plotting to blow us the hell up. They aren't terrorists, they're just misunderstood "freedom fighters." Real terrorists are people like your Grandma.
The Hitler comparisons are getting to many to list.
Then The Obamunist's spokes-tool came out today and said that the protesters are misguided and don't know what the hell they are talking about because Obama has helped them all with decreasing their taxes.
Translation: "You're all a bunch of dumb, violent hicks who don't know your ass from a hole in the ground. You should be grateful to your betters that have graciously condescended to help you."
Odd day.
It was encouraging to see tens of thousands all over this country stand up and say NO. It was nice to have some hope instead of gagging on chope! It felt GOOD and made me proud of our nation.
At the same time it was a dark, dark day when we found that our government considers us a terrorist threat.
And note that the head of homeland security has banned the word "terrorist" in reference to terroristic Islamofascists, within her department, and yet the report that was released EXPLICITLY and REPEATEDLY used that word in reference to what they say is a violent threat from our returning heroes and those who disagree with The One on abortion and illegal immigration.
Jugear's McMarxist has warned you now that any disagreement with his royal agenda makes you an enemy of the state. You will NOT interrupt his royal flow of power!
Either get politically active and help turn this country away from the totalitarian path that it is on, or go quietly when they come for you.
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