I was taught (cough cough) very well in college. I learned how evil America is. How all we have ever done is hurt people and enslave them. I learned that I should feel guilty for being born with any advantage in life and guilty for ever having more than anyone else on the planet. I even purposely threw away my advantages in solidarity with "the people" and worked as a community organizer/protester/trouble maker in an attempt to live down (while believing it to be up) to my values. Completely insane.
A line in a posting at Moonbattery today really stood out to me today:
If self-preservation gets the upper hand over neurotic self-hatred, voting patterns will change.
How will that happen? I'm not sure. With Jugears doing everything he can to weaken our defenses and encourage attacks on America, I can't fathom that we won't be hit before he (hopefully) leaves office, and that just might do it. Nothing I could ever wish for, but I can see it.
Alternatively, once we are all brought down to an equal level of poverty, and all meaning and purpose in one's life is erased and replaced by the government, people may wake up as well. Of course, by then we will no longer be living in America so what would be the point. Look how long and how difficult it was for the USSR to wake up...and still they are getting put back into their places again.
The article at Moonbattery is about rampant anti-semitism on the left and the lunacy of the majority of America's Jewish population supporting them. Bizarre, yes, but as well, Americans of African descent keep voting for Democrats that treat them like childish slaves in need of help from the same benevolent white liberals that constantly reinforce the message that they're weak and will never be anything more than a victim. I mean, WTF?
Its a testament to the thoroughness of the population's hoodwinking by these dis-honest, hateful nutbags- that so many otherwise good, intelligent people can be taken in to such an extent.
The Post-modern liberal can be very smart. Of course, so can schizophrenics. Its what your intelligence is serving that matters.
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