Wednesday, April 29, 2009

(image by the awesome Tennyson Hayes)


Damn I love Michelle Malkin- you gotta read her review of The Obamunist's rule. She's mercilessly truthin' with things like this, about New Yorkers being terrorized by the flyover the other day:

Come on, who’s surprised? The White House-engineered photo-op of low-flying Air Force aircraft that caused terror in New York City this week epitomizes the Age of Obama. What better way to mark 100 days in office than with an appalling exercise in pointless, taxpayer-funded stagecraft.

The superficiality, the unseriousness, the hubris, the obliviousness to post-9/11 realities: They were trademarks of the Obama campaign and they are the tattoos on his governance....

No one should be shocked. Remember: Barack Obama is the frivolous man who concocted his own presidential-looking Great Seal before he was elected. An ego big enough to publicly display a ridiculous “Vero Possumus” (“Yes, we can” in Latin) motto and a regal eagle with the Obama campaign logo emblazoned on its chest is an ego capable of far more reckless things. Obama orchestrated a grand photo-op in Berlin, Germany, to declare his world citizenship at the Siegessäule Victory Column – a soaring monument of arrogance championed by Adolph Hitler and Third Reich architect Albert Speer. He manufactured his own Open Temple of The One in Denver for the Democratic National Convention last summer, replete with fake Greek columns.

1 comment:

MAS1916 said...

Not only that... the media lap dogs continually cover for this guy.

Only 13 questions last evening and not even one attempt at a follow up? Team Obama put on a great performance, though. They avoided giving out any information while performing in the White House.

Most of the 'unasked' questions really reveal how lazy the DC Press Corps is.