And anyhow, now that he's grovelled on his knees apologizing all over the world for how much America sucks, terrorists have laid down their weapons, and are all joining us in a rousing chorus of Kum-by-ya!
This former CIA chief must be nuts to have these concerns with The Obamunist's release of the department's interrogation techniques:
"It's damaging because these are techniques that work, and by Obama's action today, we are telling the terrorists what they are," the unnamed official told Politico.com.
"We have laid it all out for our enemies. This is totally unnecessary ... Publicizing the techniques does grave damage to our national security by ensuring they can never be used again -- even in a ticking-time- bomb scenario where thousands or even millions of American lives are at stake,"
But they're NOT enemies anymore, now that Bushitler is gone! They are misunderstood freedom fighters enjoying the warm embrace of The One who feels their pain. Its Foreign policy as the Barney and Friends show! Nothing to worry about anymore. It was aaaaall a bad dream!
Ha. Looks like Dr. Sanity had the same thought I did, re: Barney. Spooky!
She adds:
Happy Gumdrop Land!
if the faux moral preening of the left on this issue doesn't make you want to hurl, just wait until groups like Al Qaeda fully grasp how fndamentally unserious our wonderful Messiah and his idiotic diciples are about the threat they pose.
What a wonderful world it will be then.
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