Thursday, April 02, 2009


Gay Patriot asks a very good question:

Those favoring an ever-increasing role for the state in our society never cease to remind us how much smarter they are those of us preferring freedom and smaller government. They note how a supermajority of university professors favor their ideology and that how voters with postgraduate degrees overwhelmingly went for Obama last fall.

If they’re so smart, why can’t they learn from history?

I mean, here are these very smart people are, with lots and lots of college degrees (so very much education) among them, yet they insist bigger government will help solve our economic woes. Problem is they can’t come up with many examples of that working.

Socialism failed overwhelmingly in Europe where nations with welfare-state economies having unemployment rates that makes our number seem tiny in comparison.

And those very smart people who actually do study the results of statist policies, find, for example, that New Deal, a program of massive state intervention in the American economy, “thwarted economic recovery for seven long years.

I think part of the answer is that intelligence itself is not their goal. Appearing intelligent and painting themselves as the good, caring side to make themselves feeeeeel good is what they crave. Reality be damned. Its all about the buzz.

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