Thursday, April 02, 2009


I am always overwhelmed to read words from a gay man that is not bat-shit insane! So refreshing! And reading this, after talking to a gay business owner today that went off on how insane it was for anyone to have ever believed a word Der Messiah ever said! It's a good day.

Charles Winecoff at Big Hollywood:

...even in the flattened, cautious world of PC victimhood, there exists a hierarchy - a glass ceiling that gays haven’t cracked yet. We’re still second class, and still expendable. Why? Because homosexuals continue to be stereotyped as affluent white males - and in the adolescent, Che fashion accessory, power-to-the-people, make-believe world of “social justice,” we’re still the enemy.

So gay men really do need all the “T”s and “Q”s they can get. Because so-called progressives who believe the US government staged 9/11 for profit and created AIDS to kill blacks won’t be coming to our rescue any time soon. We’re on our own.

Where does this leave us? Mad as hell, I hope - but not at the Mormons, who are as maligned as any other wealthy Caucasians (plus they’re polygamists!), nor at closety musical theater queens who wrote checks in support of Prop 8. No, LGBTQ people should be mad at themselves for ditching the reality of diversity for the myth of “equality.”

Because equality, my friends, is not the same as freedom.

Odd as it may seem, the lesbian and gay community actually presents an almost-perfect microcosm of the West as a whole - open-minded (at least in theory), multi-racial, multi-classed, pan-religious, and hard to pin down. By ignoring that commonality with our fellow Americans, and reducing ourselves to just another whining victim group, we have put ourselves at risk.

Once leaders, we’ve become followers - malleable sheep in the PC pack.

Instead of mindlessly assuming that, by virtue of his pigment, the first black President (who happens to be against gay marriage) will finally tackle our issues, the LGBTQ community should be watching him closely as he endorses a limp Hallmark card of a UN resolution to decriminalize homosexuality - while at the same time courting the religious dictators of the most virulently homophobic regimes on earth, who regularly imprison, torture, and execute powerless gays (and bloggers and women).

Not to mention nominating Harold Koh for State Department legal adviser, a man who sees nothing wrong with allowing (anti-gay) sharia law to be applied in US court cases.

The friend of your enemy is not your friend.

As human targets in a global shooting gallery, fags and dykes should be insulted by any elected official who thinks euphemisms such as “man-caused disasters” (to describe acts of terror perpetrated against civilians - like us) and “Overseas Contingency Operation” (to suggest the war on Islamic supremacism) can make anyone love us.

The mullahs and ayatollahs - who believe the only good L,G,B,T or Q is a dead one - are not a race. They are totalitarian ideologues who have been shielded from the full force of Western common sense and scrutiny because of the guilt-inducing ammo of their skin color. That’s not a racist statement, it’s just a sad fact.

Gay people spent forty years fighting stereotypes - only to become politically correct self-parodies, who fall silent at the mention of radical Islam, and go weak in the knees before the studied presentation copy of (to quote Joe Biden), a “clean,” well-spoken, half-black man...

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