(image via the Minnesota Independent )
Well, besides the obvious- that it is the best way towards a Totalitarian state (carbon touches everything, regulate it, you regulate everything)- its also about.....you guessed it! Meeeeeee!
Greg Gutfeld:
So yesterday, the British magazine The New Scientist published an article titled, “How Reputation Could Save the Earth.” In it, the writers argue that information about your carbon footprint should be made public – because knowledge of your misdeeds might change your ways. They ask, “Would you want your neighbors, friends, or colleagues to think of you as a free rider, harming the environment while benefiting from the restraint of others?”(BTW, his show, Red Eye on Fox at 3AM is a laugh a minute. If you don't suffer from insomnia, work for a living or something like that, its well worth taping!)This is an excellent question, for it exposes the real motivation behind most, if not all, climate change apostles: to allow these gasbags the superior pleasure of shaming you. It’s all about denigrating your reputation in order to elevate theirs – a self-satisfied reward for their sheep-like devotion to climate change hysteria. They’re such needy little twerps – the kind who take part in charity fun runs just so they can wear the t-shirt the next day at work.
Now, mind you, I’m all for shame. I think it’s a forgotten art -something that might be useful in curtailing some of the more disgraceful elements of American culture. I speak mainly of any show on VH1 that involves an elimination round, and of course, John Mayer.
But this enviro-shaming isn’t even close to that. It’s not like they’re actually condemning you for authentic, immoral behavior. Nope – rather than shaming an Islamic radical for killing innocent people, they’d rather go after those of us who didn’t bring a reusable hemp shopping bag when visiting the local Whole Foods.
And that’s a real shame. These simps are manufacturing phony righteousness when, these days, real righteousness is so desperately needed. And for that, I’d happily recycle my foot in their ass.
And if you disagree with me, then you’re probably a racist.
Wait, what's that? Greens as totalitarians is a bit of a stretch? M'kay. Well lookee here what just went down:
Ben Shapiro:
What do you call it when the federal government pays a private company some money so that the private company will stump for the federal government’s agenda? Payola. Under the FCC rules and regulations, “When a broadcast licensee has received or been promised payment for the airing of program material, then, at the time of the airing, the station must disclose that fact and identify who paid for or promised to pay for the material.”
So what do you call it when the federal government steers money to a major broadcast network so that the major broadcast network will stump for the federal government’s agenda?
That’s precisely what’s happening over at NBC this week. According to the Associated Press.
Government? Media? Same sang.
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