Saturday, September 05, 2009


Can anything be more evil?

Americans, by and large, are a people that believe, as Beck said last night, in giving people a second chance. Maybe even a third chance. They want to see the good in everyone. They want to get along with people of different beliefs, races, and lifestyles, joining together as one nation. It's in our blood.

The post-modern Marxist left that now controls the Democratic party used that to get a racist, un-American Marxist elected president.

Rev. Wright? Bill Ayers? Just past mistakes, he got a pass.

On top of that, many felt that having our first president of African descent would finally heal the wounds of our racist past. That trumped other considerations. We believe ALL people should be able to succeed.

Now that The One has taken power, he is implementing the philosophy of those "past mistakes" at lightening speed.

Increasingly it appears he is implementing the Cloward-Piven strategy of purposely destroying the economy.

He is doing all he can to destroy our national security and signal our weakness to the rest of the world, while embracing dictators and Islamofascists.

Why? When we are economically on our knees and/or horrifically attacked, what do you think people will do? They will turn to the government and give The State a pass to do whatever it wants. Martial Law? Fine. It's every Totalitarian Leftist's wet dream.

But what they didn't count on is that we are not only a good people, we are a people that love our freedoms. We shrink from evil, and when evil begins to show its face and its destructive plans begin, people rise up. People are leaving the MSM state media in droves, turning to Fox and the Internet and what they are finding is shocking them into action.

The left continually emphasises the bits and pieces of their master plan as isolated from one another, much as they count on inflaming racial animosity to divide the nation, to keep control and keep people in the dark. But thanks to people like Glenn Beck, people are beginning to connect the dots.

Larry Elder:

"Now I'm truly scared."

A friend wrote this after she watched Fox News' Glenn Beck's series on the "alarming number of far-left radicals the President is surrounded by" -- referring to some of the President's special advisers and "czars." President Barack Obama, my friend tells me, is "a true left-winger."

So, now she knows.

She didn't know after the President signed the $800 billion so-called "stimulus program." She didn't know after government takeovers/bailouts of banks, insurance companies and auto companies.

She didn't know after Obama campaigned in favor of protectionism by promising to unilaterally change free trade agreements, such as NAFTA, or after the inclusion of "Buy American" provisions in the "stimulus package."

She didn't know after Obama campaigned on government-run health care or after he said during the campaign that "if starting from scratch," he'd implement the Canadian single-payer system.

She didn't know after Obama stated his goal to impose job-killing and price-hiking "cap-and-trade" business taxes to fight "man-made global warming." (Never mind the vigorous debate in the scientific community about the degree to which -- or even whether -- human activity is the cause and whether it makes more sense to deal with the effect of a slight warming than to undertake costly and likely ineffective measures to stop it.)

She didn't know after Obama's plans to "invest" to "create green jobs" of the future or after he moved oversight of the next census from the Department of Commerce to the White House (in order to increase the number of minorities so that government money can follow).

She didn't know after Obama sided with black Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates and turned the professor's altercation with Cambridge police into a microcosm of the alleged widespread problem of unlawful "racial profiling" against blacks; after Obama spent 20 years in a church led by a smoke-coming-out-of-the-nose, America-bashing "spiritual adviser"; after Obama's selection of an attorney general who called America "cowardly" on matters of race; after the AG's refusal to indict members of the New Black Panther Party for seemingly clear voter intimidation; or after Obama's selection of a Supreme Court justice who many times claimed her gender and ethnicity make her superior to a "white male."

(Continue reading here.)

The good news is that we have time and still have elections. It is the duty of every American that values their nation to inform themselves and inform those who have not committed to the Fundamentalist Leftist Religion and still have a least a vestige of an open mind. The tide is turning and with the work of individual good men and woman all over this land, evil will not succeed.

A reminder: The Anointed One in one of his rare moments of perfect truthfulness:

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