Saturday, September 19, 2009


The Congressional Budget Office has reviewed the cap n' tax bill that passed the house. You know, the one to solve the non-existent global warming problem? Now that the tide has turned and there is growing evidence of global cooling (which, of course, was the big "crisis" in the 70's),
I wonder if it will pass the senate? My guess is yes, since it was never about the environment in the first place. It's about increasing government control over every aspect of our lives to help bring about the Glorious Revolution that The Obamunist is running with.

Wonder of wonders:

The climate change bill approved by the U.S. House of Representatives would reduce the gross domestic product of the United States by as much as 3.5 percent in 2050, the Congressional Budget Office estimates.

The Democratic-controlled House passed landmark legislation in June aimed at slashing industrial pollution that is blamed for global warming.

“Reducing the risk of climate change would come at some cost to the economy,” the CBO said in a reported posted on its website on Thursday.

The report concludes that if cap and trade provisions of the bill are implemented, the measure would reduce the gross domestic product by between 1 percent and 3.5 percent below what it otherwise would have been in 2050. (Reuters)

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