Monday, September 21, 2009


True story.

My neighbor is a far, far left liberal. I have always been friendly, avoiding politics as being a pointless topic as he is a zealous member of The Church of Leftist Fundamentalism. We watch each other's apartments, packages, etc. and generally keep good neighborly relations. Why be pointlessly confrontational? And then there's that "love your neighbor" thing.

However, the other day, he felt compelled to blurt out that people at tea parties were walking around with signs depicting The Obamunist as an ape and that the protesters, including, as he knew, myself, were all racists that hate the President because he's black. I have been to two here in town, with severl thousand, and never saw anything remotely like that. I would assume though, that with more than a million people in DC, there were one or two racist nut-jobs and quite possibly someone did have a sign like that. After he checked with the media priests of his religion, he was informed that this was the norm instead of a rare exception, and since that reinforced his religious belief that he was on the side of light, better, kinder and smarter than the "dumb rednecks" he is constantly disparaging, he bought it- leaving his rational thought behind.

The funny thing is, two days before, I found his kids trying to smash my lawn furniture in the back. I asked them to stop and went back inside. Moments later, they had taken another neighbors hose and were spraying water into my open windows. After speaking to them I went to the front to knock on my neighbors screen door. That's when I noticed that my American flag had been defaced with what looked like yogurt having been thrown on it. Might have been the kids, might have been one of the college hippies on the street, who knows. After knocking and calling for my neighbor for 5 minutes or so, his girlfriend du jour appeared to tell me that he wasn't home and that she "wasn't responsible for them." I asked her if she was telling me that there were three young children with no adult supervision, and if that was acceptable. She had no answer.

So here's a guy, so very very concerned with making the world a better place, that he puts all his energy into supporting the kind of government that that will control everyone's lives and decide what the need and don't need, but he can't put any energy into the people he comes in contact with daily. Who cares that his kids are running wild left without care? He's fighting climate change and saving the world! Can't be bothered with such pedestrian things as personal responsibility! That might entail an interruption of his fun times and self-gratifying ego-stroking. It's would kinda wooj his buzz, duuuude! The feel-good buzz is the thing. It's not his job to take care of people. It's the governments. Its not his job to make sacrifices or be inconvenienced, it's other peoples.

This crossed my mind today while listening to a review of the new "Barack and Michelle" book just out ( I KNOW you've been waiting....there is so very little written about those two crazy kids out there!).

There is a story in it about Michelle getting upset at The One for leaving ashtrays full and overflowing, being a pig in general and not lifting a finger to help or clean up after himself. When she confronted him about this he said that he didn't have time for such things because he was busy "trying to change the world."

From my neighbor to the President, it's the same mentality.

You can treat people in your personal life like crap, avoid any responsibility for them and just focus on YOUR wants and needs like a good little pathological narcissist, because what really matters is that you are working hard to bring about a post-modern Totalitarian Marxist state that will solve every problem, bring about utopia and deal with everything FOR you. You can act like a jerk in your daily life and still get that warm glow self-satisfaction that comes from your delusion of "helping people" and being full of loooooove! Who's got time for petty details? Like kids. Or consideration for others.


Conservative Cali Girl said...

I agree. I was thinking this morning about a friend of mine who is a huge liberal. He constantly goes on and on about how us right-wingers are moronic.... Global warming must be stopped. We must do everything we can...blah... blah...

This is a man who lives extremely well off. Spends hundreds of dollars on just undershirts no less. His wife has a new car every year. She shops at every great store- never considering price tags.

But its this overabundance of spending on THEIR part that they feel compelled to berate me who makes next to nothing, to be more energy efficient. How I am oppressing the poor (in the same tax bracket no less) by not willing even more money to feed, clothe, house their comfortable lifestyles.

If you feel so guilty- go tell yourself and your family to own up to it and change yourselves first! But the wife will no less think she is doing her part by buying organic produce and donating a few bucks for her carbon emissions from her SUV.

I read this quote the other day by Joseph Conrad...

"I don't like work--no man does, but I like what is IN the work, the chance to find yourself."

Imagine if they did fix their own problems first. They can forgive themselves and be headed down the right path.

...just a though.

23eagle said...

I couldn't agree with you more. The results of their action or inaction is never the point with them. The point is to make themselves feel good and superior. I think part of the reason we have a pathelogical narcissist as president is because he represents so many people JUST LIKE HIM. And we all know, they just LOVE to see themselves in the mirror where ever they go!