The left, of course, by and large, hates and despises Christianity....until it's a useful tool for their Post-Modern Marxist Fundamentalism. Then they're all about The Little Baby Jesus!
Every person in America has to have heard them go on about Jesus being a socialist. Kinda hard to avoid. It's one of their best deceptions.
Juan Williams talks about Michael Moore's use of this line in his new propaganda piece, "Capitalism: A Love Story" where,
According to the London Telegraph ... Moore's film features priests who say capitalism is anti-Christian by failing to protect the poor. This is pure nonsense and revealed as such by asking, "If you're an unborn spirit, condemned by God to a life of poverty but allowed to choose the country in which to be poor, would you choose a country near the communist end of the economic spectrum or the capitalist end?" If you chose the United States, you'd find that according to the government surveys, the typical "poor" American has cable or satellite TV, two color TVs, and a DVD player or VCR. He has air conditioning, a car, a microwave, a refrigerator, a stove, and a clothes washer and dryer, and whether he has health insurance or not, he is able to obtain medical care when needed. Try to find that in Cuba, Russia, China or North Korea. If we buy into the nonsense of Moore's priests, the world's poor people are incredibly stupid. Whether fleeing legally or illegally, their destination country is likely to be closer to capitalism than their departure country.
Here's the bible verse most often used by the Marxists in Lamb of Christ's clothing:
Matthew 19:21 Jesus said to him, "If you wish to be complete, go and sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me."
As has been pointed out ( I forget....Beck, I think?):
Jesus said, "give to the poor."
Jesus did NOT say, "give ME all of your money and I will give it to the poor."
Big difference.
Christians have always given to the poor. Its why we are the most giving and generous nation on earth. In contrast, look at every society that has killed that and replaced it with giving to the government, to give to the poor. The people from those countries have fallen all over themselves and often DIED trying to get into ours.
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