Well, that's not quite fair. Dinky stories were buried and some TV gave little blurbs. One from the NYTimes by Maureen Dowd is about how all those people are racists. So did CNN. The left is starting to become a ridiculous cartoon stuck in a loop. They have nothing, so they keep up with the same name calling completely disconnected from any reality. And they think people are stupid enough that this will be effective. Garsh. Why does their circulation and rating continue to plummet? Mystery to me.
And amazingly, the left is calling the pics of the event "faked." As Michelle Malkin points out
Flags were still at half-mast earlier today in honor of the murder victims of the 9/11 jihadi attacks.Guess that was faked too. The numbers are not yet firm. Allahpundit:
I’ve seen numbers ranging from 50,000 on the low end (from David Shuster, natch) up to “a healthy six figures” from Reason’s Matt Welch on up to the two million figure cited by the boss earlier this morning, which ABC insists it never reported. As of a few hours ago, D.C. police were refusing to make any estimates but ABC got some unspecified city officials on the record claiming there 60,000 to 75,000 people there.The Daily Mail in England is reporting up to 2 million.
Michelle Malkin has a lot more pics.
Another Black Conservative has some ideas of what you can do if you didn't make it to DC:
Buy a Don’t Tread On Me flag and hang it in the front of your house today!
Become a blogger. Three months ago, I sat home cursing the television set, today I have shared my rants and view with over 25, 000 people. You can do it too!Write the editor of that biased local newspaper. Ask them why they are not covering important stories, omitting important details, blatantly taking sides. Let them know you count.
Call the networks. They are bound to be distorting the event in DC today. Call them and call them out! Tell them you find their coverage offensive.
Support Glenn Beck. Beck kicks some major booty this week, Van Jones, NEA and ACORN all got major blows this week. So if you want to see more, go to supportglennbeck.com and fight the Color of Change’s boycott.
Join a social network. The Internet is ablaze with social networks for patriots. From the 9-12 Project to Team Sarah there is a social network for you. You can even find groups on Facebook, MySpace and Twitter. Social networks are excellent places to stay informed, spread the word or just organized.
Send a copy of the Constitution to your political party. If you get any of those fund raising letters, mail back a copy of the Constitution. Tell them when you see them working for America again you will be happy to donate.
Write a letter of thanks to Congress Members who actually follow the Constitution and look out for America first. These people need our encouragement.
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