Thursday, September 17, 2009


Never mind that the violence associated with tea parties and townhalls has come from SEIU thugs, and other goosestepping Marxist organizations out to smash heads.

We gotta watch out for those scaaaaary believers in The Constitution!

I ...think that they have to take responsibility for any incitement that they may cause. (Hot Air)

Nancy, on the other hand, doesn't have to take ANY responsibility for the animosity that she and her ilk are causing by calling patriots "racists" and "un-American." No responsibility for the anti-abortion protester shot and killed. No responsibility for the tea party protester put in the hospital. None.

And why? Because responsibility is so right wing! It's "un-American" to these ass-hats.
It's what Mom and Dad were oppressing them with the 60's! So un-hip. We're beyond that now.
Not grown up, but beyond that.

In fairness, I guess I would be paranoid too though, if I were actively destroying the country and if, like her and her comrades, I saw no problem with violence leading to glorious revolutions like Cuba's and Chile's.

I would naturally be worried that people having their lives destroyed and who are watching the sacrifices of centuries of brave men and women wasted just might get pissed, and it would be natural to assume that others shared my lack of morals in regards to using violence to change society. You know how them there pathological narcissists are. Can't see anyone as being different from themselves.

Moonbattery cracks me up sometimes:

Speaker of the House, Granny Rictus Botox Pelosi broke into tears (well, not actual tears since her ducts have been dead from Botox poisoning since 1996) because of her fears that anger toward the government for implementing a radical socialist agenda at odds with the values and beliefs of a majority of the population may lead to violence.

Heh heh. "Granny Rictus Botox."

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