In an interview with the Washington Post and Newsweek magazine Wednesday, Ahmadinejad also said Iran would offer to purchase enriched uranium for medical purposes from the United States at talks with world powers on October 1. (Breitbart)
"Medical purposes."
Maybe we should smile and shake hands a little more.
A little history, via James Lewis:
Albert Einstein was a lifelong pacifist until Hitler came along. Then, after fleeing for his very life from Nazi Germany he became the man who told the FDR White House about nuclear bombs, together with physicist Leo Szilard, to get the Manhattan Project started. That letter to FDR was dated August 2, 1939. It warned that "extremely powerful bombs of a new type may ... be constructed. A single bomb of this type, carried by boat and exploded in a port, might very well destroy the whole port together with some of the surrounding territory."Worth reading all.
Einstein loved peace, but when reality forced him to choose he signed that letter to FDR because he was afraid that Hitler would get there first. Today we are facing Einstein's choice again. There is a genocidal regime in Tehran. They follow an ideology of unapologetic imperialistic expansionism, marked by hundreds of thousands of mind-numbed followers chanting "Death to America! Death to Israel!" -- every single day since 1979. All the liberals are in full denial. They say all those chants don't really mean anything. They are not fully sane.
The Middle East now has the closest thing to Adolf Hitler since World War II, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who is now within a year of having nukes in his grasp. Already they have ballistic missiles, built to carry nukes. That regime has been tested in a long and bloody war with Iraq in which a million people died. That war experience hasn't stopped their bloodthirsty actions; they glorify martyrdom. The Tehran regime routinely kills and tortures its own people, as a matter of policy in the name of God.
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