Monday, September 21, 2009


It's because every once and awhile I have to turn away in an effort to keep my head from exploding.

Case in point (and relating to the post below): I turned on Fox today to hear people calmly discussing the Kyoto treaty on climate change.

The supposed crisis was about "global warming," but now, with more evidence for cooling instead, the phrase has been changed to "climate change." The fact that the climate is changing, up or down, as it has during the entire history of the planet is a huge crisis that necessitates un-precedented government control and intrusion into our lives to lesson emissions of carbon.

Carbon touches nearly every aspect of our lives.

Such far reaching control is why "the discussion is over" and the lie has been colored as fact by constant media saturation. An excuse like this is every totalitarian liberal's wet dream!

How the HELL can any pundits accept as a starting point for discussion such insanity as temps going up OR down being a huge freaking CRISIS!?

Why talk about legislation, treaties, details etc. when the whole foundation is bullshit?

If people all over the place were up in arms over green kangaroos importing alien technology from alpha centuri in order to control the global ant population, and I were a reporter or pundit, when talking with people presenting plans to solve that crisis, I would....I dunno....maybe start off by pointing out that there WAS no crisis and what the hell are they talking about!

It really boggles the mind. It's like the old hippie plot to put acid in the drinking water to make the whole population trip has come to fruition...but with out the acid.

Sometimes I just have to turn it all off and look at the trees and clouds to remember that there is still sanity in this world.

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