I know. I know. It's getting old to me too. But amazingly, they just keep it up, turning it into a word completely empty of meaning.
Check out Marxist Rep. Maxine Waters:
Beck was right the other night. It hurts to be called a racist. No decent American wants that label put on them. The majority of Americans are decent and aren't racist (you'd think that lil' presidential election might have told them that). That is why they use it to bash people that disagree with their socialist agenda, with out of control spending, with the trashing of the Constitution, the list goes on. We can't let them shut us up, and what's more, by doing this they are more clearly revealing themselves for what they are.The media should investigate the racial views of conservative activists like the ones who descended on Washington last weekend, one liberal congresswoman said Wednesday.
Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) said that it’s not enough for African-Americans to levy allegations of racism against the right-leaning protesters, and that the media must look into their views.
“I want those people talked to; I want them interviewed,” Waters told the liberal Bill Press Radio show in a podcast. “I want journalists to be all over those rallies and the marches with the birthers and the teabaggers.”
“What I’m looking for is the very people who carry the signs who are referring to the policies in very, very strange ways like ‘Obamacare’ and ‘Barry Obamacare with Kennedy,’” she said. “What I’ve been interested in is hearing from those people that everybody’s referring to — everybody on the Mall, in the rally.”
So let’s get this straight. Calling Obama’s overhaul of the American health-care system “ObamaCare” is evidence of some kind of bigotry, either latent or overt. Calling protesters “teabaggers,” on the other hand, is — what, exactly? Wit? Sophomoric humor? A complete ignorance of American history?
Waters needn’t worry about the media. MS-NBC practically has recast itself as the Thought Police Network, with interminable paranoid segments about latent racism in the opposition to Barack Obama and the Democrats. Jimmy Carter’s own huge double standard on criticism has gotten plenty of play on all the networks. The Department of Homeland Security managed to plow the ground for this attack in its execrable report on “right-wing extremism,” which managed to avoid identifying any violent groups but instead painted opponents to abortion and illegal immigration with a broad brush as extremists. (Ed Morrissey)
Steven Crowder, per usual, puts it in a clear perspective:
Remember the day the healing took place? Remember the day a black man was elected to office by white Americans thereby proving that any established form of racism in this country was a thing of the past? Of course you do silly, and despite what they’ll tell you… so do Liberals.
I’ll be honest, I’ve never met a Racist Conservative in my life. I’ve heard that they’re out there and I’m sure that they exist, but much like a Great White Shark or a decent Joel Schumacher film… I’ve never seen one in real life.
The truth is that a vast majority of Americans are fully on board with a post-racial America. The only problem is that conservatives were the only ones to begin treating it as a reality. They continued standing for the same things that they always had (lower taxes, more power to the individual etc.), regardless of whomever was in office. The almost acted, dare I say it… Color blind.
Liberals, however, need ongoing racism to get votes. Racism MUST be alive for the Democratic party to succeed. After all, how can you promise people to fight an oppressive establishment if you’re the ones running it. Plus, it makes it harder to promise folks all of that awesome free stuff.
Realizing this, Democrats have decided to go on the extreme offensive. They’ve made the decision to create an atmosphere where any disagreement with the current president must undoubtedly contain some sort of “secret racial component.” Liberals don’t believe for a second that tea party protesters are a bunch of Robert Byrd-like Klansmen out there. No, the whole “race” card is a conscious/concerted effort to keep racism alive when it should have been put to rest a long time ago. (the rest is at Big Hollywood)
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