Thursday, September 10, 2009

Good advice for those attending any of The One's stern, presidential lectures.


That's the over-riding message I got as the blathering Marxist-in-Chief swooped down the rainbow on his magic unicorn last night ro re-assure the deluded and threaten the sane.

Ooooo....and did you hear that threat!? The One will brook no defiance of his clear directives to "fundamentally transform America." But he's "reaching across the aisle," doncha know.

It may sound to you that he's speaking out of both sides of his smug little mouth, but that's just because you have not had enough education in post-modernist"thinking" to realize that nothing is real and the truth does not exist.

And that "fear-mongering" thing. Waking people up to threats to our nation, threats to our way of life and threats to our continued existence as America interferes with that warm, comforting message from The Anointed one that he has everything under control and you need not worry your pretty little head. You are giving people a bad feeeeeling, and as we all know, maintaining a happy mellow buzz is the Constitutional right of every American, regardless of any ax that may be hanging over their heads. It you say some thing that makes someone feeeeeel uncomfortable, why, yer a hate-monger (and probably a racist)!

He's invested in people maintaining their fantasies and remaining blissfully ignorant of his true character and planned destruction of this nation.

Fortunately, regardless of the BS about him and his minions really, truly, CARING about people, they still continue to let the mask slip and show their hatred and lust for absolute control. People are waking up. The One is getting pissy and desperate. Hot Air going on about Tucker Carlson's comments:
Obama was much more of a bandwagon man as a legislator, offering rhetorical instead of political leadership, and for the most part receiving nothing but warm praise bordering on tongue-baths from the media.

What Carlson sees is a man completely unprepared for the fact that he can’t sell refrigerators to Eskimos. Whether that comes from a narcissistic personality or just plain inexperience, the fact remains that Obama has reacted poorly to the rapid disintegration of his own popularity and that of his policies. Like a petulant child, Obama has assumed that the problem is that he hasn’t spoken often or loudly enough, which is one of the reasons that his speeches on health care have not changed an iota in substance but have gotten louder and angrier in tone.

Obama couldn’t sell ObamaCare, and now he wants to scold America for not agreeing with him.
Here's a shocker: even the A Freakin' P has come out criticizing the speech! Yes, Hell has indeed frozen over and pigs are flying.

BTW, about that congressman that called him a liar. Yes, that may have been inappropriate....if it was said to a president that loved his country. But he was factually correct and yelling that at a Marxist Totalitarian bent on destruction, well, liar is not a strong enough word. Screw him. If you haven't seen the vid, check out Nutsy Pelosi's mug when he yelled that. Priceless.

Yes, I am fed up. I had dinner with some friends the other night and noticed an Obama "Hope" pic by the register. I mentioned I would never eat there again, and some in the crowd thought this was going a little far.

I explained that this has gone WAY beyond difference of opinion, Democrat vs. Republican. This is a WAR for the our survival as a nation. Not with guns, but a war none the less. The alternative paths have not been so stark and clear since 1776.

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