Thursday, September 03, 2009


Ben & Jerry’s is temporarily renaming popular “Chubby Hubby” ice cream “Hubby Hubby” beginning today to celebrate the start of legalized gay marriage in its home state of Vermont. (Hot Air)
I guess that smooth, tasty ice cream will make having the redefinition of marriage forced down America's throat by the courts a whole lot easier to take.

If marriage is going to be redefined to include people like myself, if I were in a comitted same-sex relationship, it should come from the people. Yeah, I know that's a strange concept for the left, but then again, so is The Constitution, The Declaration of Independence and The Bill of Rights.

I am all for domestic partnerships for same-sex couples, but to me, marriage between a man and woman is inherently different.

It's because I'm full of self-loathing and hate myself, I'm sure, but I still won't give a DIME of my money to socialist, drug-addled hippies busy gettin' themselves off with empty gestures.

Besides, how would I know that what I thought was a pecan up in there wasn't really a tattered bit of some stoner's dreadlock?

Dirty. Stinky. Ice Cream. These things just do NOT go together!

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