Saturday, September 05, 2009


He's something good to USE on occasion, when they aren't too busy mocking, vilifying and trying to stamp out His religion. From Moonbattery:

Ed Shultz of MSNBC:
Now, I have been referring to the health care reform deal as the real moral issue of our time. I believe Jesus would vote yes for a public option, but some Bible thumpers don't see me eye to eye on this one.

One reason progressives are so hostile to Christianity is that it is the opposite of socialism. According to Christians, every human life is valuable, and we all have the free will to choose good or evil. According to moonbats, inconvenient lives should be terminated — e.g., unborn babies, babies who survive attempted abortions, the elderly under ObamaCare. There is no free will; there is only the State, which determines how we should live and controls our behavior accordingly. This is why Comrade Obama opposes charity but supports welfare, whereas conservatives oppose welfare while giving much more generously than liberals. Charity and government entitlements are as different as good is from evil, because one represents choice, and the other theft.

ObamaCare is yet another coercive wealth transfer. To say Jesus would favor it is like saying Jesus would rob a liquor store.


And trying to explain the concept of "virtue" to a Totalitarian Statist is like trying to make a soup sandwich.

Teh Resistance fact checks The Bible ( a novel idea, perhaps not occuring to those USING it as a political prop when convenient while laughing at those who "cling" to it):

A lot of the lefties, including the Pinko in Chief, have been proclaiming that socialized health care is a moral Christian obligation. (Ironically, these are the same people who squeal ‘Separation of Church and State’ anytime someone wants to put a Christmas Tree in the Courthouse lobby.)

Is this really WJWD? I consulted the New Testament, Matthew 19: 16 – 24 to be precise. This is the story of the rich young noble who asks how he can gain eternal life. Eventually, Jesus tells him. “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me. (Matthew 19:21)”

Note what Christ didn’t say. He didn’t say, “Give me your wealth so I can take care of the poor.” He didn’t say, “Give all your wealth to the government so they will take care of the poor.” And he sure as heck did not say, “Lobby the government to take away other people’s wealth and redistribute it to the poor.”

Two things conservatives understand that liberals don’t. 1.) Moral obligations are personal, you can’t proxy them to the government. 2.) A government can’t do as good a job taking care of the poor and unfortunate as charities do. Government has incentives to keep people dependent, charities don’t. Charities have to take care with how they use their funding and resources, governments don’t.

Commonsense stuff, really. But liberals seem incapable of comprehending basic common sense.

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