Damn this is hilareous! From Legal Insurrection:
MSNBC edited out the audio when Obama ordered his Hell Burger just at the moment when Obama asked for Dijon mustard.
And the left goes NUTS because this was reported by right-wing bloggers.
What gives here? Why the out-sized reaction? If this is a non-story, why is the left obsessed with it?
There are several parts of the answer to this question. Certainly part of the answer is that the left is not content with control of the presidency and Congress; anything, no matter how trivial, which questions Obama must be controlled. Also, Dijongate was a metaphor for the larger issue of media bias which helped Obama get elected, particularly MSNBC's unprofessional and widely-criticized cheer leading.
But those two points cannot explain the nutroots reaction. Surely, Dijongate was a minor blip on the progressive radar screen, if it was a blip at all.
I think the answer to why the nutroots cannot let Dijongate rest is the inherent insecurity of the left with their hold on power. While the mainstream media and left-wing blogs constantly tell us that Republicans and conservatives are dead politically, I don't think they actually believe what they are saying.
The left? Insecure? Who woulda thought a group of people living in fantasy land floating in nothing instead of having their feet on the ground would feel insecure?
How can they feel anything BUT that. Its why their such control freaks and so damn touchy.
Poor things.
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