Now I am the last person to claim perfect sanity (as can be well attested to by those that know me), but there are degrees. The degree of derangement sure seems pretty extreme on the left, even withOUT pathological liar, Nutsy Pelosi
Like Keith Olbermann stompin off and pouting for 3 days cause the guest he wanted got scheduled for someone else's show. Darn it, darn it DARN it!
And how bout the string of anti-military military guys who were spokesmen for the left that turn out to have not been in the military? The latest, from Michelle Malkin, takes the cake:
“Rick Duncan” of Colorado Springs was a prominent anti-war activist who claimed to have served in Iraq on three tours of duty AND survived the 9/11 attack on the Pentagon. He has now been unmasked as a lying mental patient (via Colorado Springs Gazette with a big hat tip to This Ain’t Hell)And then there's Al Franken....
Guess this is what happens when the truth has been "de-constructed," words = reality and the only higher power you have is the government.
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