Hilareous. Cheney calls them on the carpet and they got nuthin but this? :
...Cheney put his reputation on the line and started turning up on television everywhere to make the case that enhanced interrogation works, even though he secretly knows it doesn’t? And Obama has the smoking-gun memos in his possession and could destroy Cheney at any moment by declassifying them — and yet hasn’t? And Cheney knows that, and yet still he presses on? (Hot Air)
The scary part is how the Kool-Aid buzz keeps so many from getting even a whiff of the total lameness of their denials and lying. I mean, how pathetic can you get?:
It worked and you have the proof!
Uh UH!
Then show us.
No. I don't WANT to.
Cause you know I'm right.
Are NOT! You're just a stupid, dumb-head nong nong! NYAH!
1 comment:
Nice Pic! Great caption!
Look for Obama to rely more heavily on his media lap dogs to cover up other foreign policy failures. In his short tenure, Obama has racked up an impressive number of failures that will only further endanger America and her allies. (for a list of the top ten foreign policy failures, you can look at: http://firstconservative.com/blog/political-humor/foreign-policy-house-of-cards )
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