Saturday, May 30, 2009


From an article about Der Messiah's idea for a new Cyber-czar at Big Hollywood:

Call me paranoid, but does it seem to anyone else that Big Brother is creeping into literally every aspect of our lives? I know we have a national crisis virtually every ten minutes, and Barry ‘the Messiah’ Obama can easily turn waterboard into whine. But come on!! Does this guy ever sleep? Every day I awaken to a new ‘program’ of the President’s that is going to ‘take care’ of us and ‘protect’ us from some new crisis. And as anyone knows who has been paying attention the past fifty years or so (All right, I’ve only been paying attention the last thirty years, but I read history.)…every new government program costs us each dearly in the form of higher taxes, greater debt and reduces Liberty in the form of new laws, regulations and restricted freedoms.

President Obama, when commenting upon his administration’s first four months, was quoted as saying, “You ain’t seen nothing yet!”

Sadly…I believe him.

Stoned on chope, played and enslaved. When will we get to the waking-the-hell-up part?

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