Saturday, May 16, 2009


This is the kind of thing that the hateful gay left should shut up and listen to for one damn minute.
Contrary to their blindly accepted decrees from The Advocate and other Gay Ayatollahs, instead of hate, I have a found a majority on the right that hold beliefs similar to these, from The Bookworm Room:

I believe that marriage is a unique institution that should be limited to one man and one woman per marriage. However, I also believe that consenting adults should be able to do what they want to do (although I deeply oppose the exhibitionist desires so prevalent in the gay community to do it on the streets, at such venues as the Dore Alley Fair or the Folsom Street Fair), and that two loving hearts should be able to join together without shame.

I fully support civil unions, which would grant to gay couples all of the legal rights currently extended to straight couples, and I believe those unions should be recognized from one state to another. Just don’t call it marriage. Keeping that distinction also ensures that such institutions as the Catholic Church won’t be sued for refusing to marry gay couples, something that would be a civil right if gay marriages were legalized, but that would violate fundamental church doctrine.


I don’t want schools to teach that gays or lesbians are bad or should be insulted or avoided. I pretty much want the school to be silent on the topic when it comes to the little kids. Teachers should be militant in ensuring that “gay” is not used as an insult and that feminine boys and masculine girls are not teased or bullied. Respect for all children should be the byword in every school. But I truly do not believe that it is the schools’ responsibility to suggest that homosexuality is just as easy a path as heterosexuality, because it’s not.


All of us have gay and lesbian friends and family members whom we love and respect. If our children turn out to be gay or lesbian, we will love them regardless. But to the extent that the gay and lesbian life is a tough road to hoe, it’s not what we wish for our children and we don’t believe public schools should be pretending that it’s all beer and skittles.

THIS is the kind of thing that is attacked. Sounds more like a compassionate person that simply disagrees with the far gay left to me.

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